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Documentary 2020

IF YOU DON'T KNOW follows a group of young people during a year long rehearsing on a play on National Socialism. The film celebrated its premiere at Munich DOK.fest 2020.
Nine teenagers and the question: How do we keep our humanity?
Remembering the time of National Socialism is more important than ever in the face of increasing right-wing and anti-Semitic tendencies in our society. But how can this be done so that the story actually has meaning for young people in their lives here and now? For this purpose, nine young people from two schools in Munich developed a dance theatre performance on the question of humanity in the Nazi era and today.
IF YOU DON'T KNOW shows the intensive content-related and artistic examination of this serious topic from the perspective of the participating young people and lets the viewer feel what profound experiences the group had in the course of the process up to the successful performance. "
Julia Teichmann, DOK.fest Munich
Julian Monatzeder [...] shines with IF YOU DON'T KNOW. [...] The film shows empathetically how the twelve- to 15-year-olds talk to experts from the Nazi Documentation Center, how they ask questions, reflect and cannot grasp what happened, but want to grasp it in order to prevent such horror for the future. "
Katrin Hildebrand, Münchner Merkur (May 7, 2020)
Directed and produced by Julian Monatzeder
Camera: Tenzin Sherpa
Sound: Ulrike Daniel , Johannes Holland
Sound mixing: Johannes Holland
Editor: Vera Suschko
Color grading: Robin Paralkar
Graphic design: Denise Jaeger
A production of FITZROY FILM , Spielen in der Stadt eV and the NS Documentation Center Munich .

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